Commissioners' Meeting Minutes - Week of July 1, 2019

***Monday, July 1, 2019, at 9:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Walt Kirby, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Nancy Ryals.

County resident Marty Martinez was in attendance of the meetings off and on throughout the day.

9:00 a.m., Assistant Road & Bridge Superintendent Renee Nelson and Road and Bridge Foreman Randy Morris joined the meeting to give the departmental report. A written report was presented. Mowing and bushing continues and weed control is being done. Traffic counters are out. The Kootenai Trial Road/Atkins Canyon project is complete with the exception of hydro seeding. Madson Road paving is finished.

Chairman Dinning asked about traffic counts on Camp Nine Road. Mr. Morris said that traffic was counted on that road last year.

Ms. Nelson informed Commissioners of a proposed Dynamic Bicycle Warning System. The sign shows a bicycle and it lights up around the image when a bicycle is travelling between the signs. They would like to do a trial use of the sign on Riverside Road through the rock cut. Ms. Nelson said that it sounded like there is no cost to the county except for the pavement cut to put it in and maintenance. The lighted sign runs on a solar battery that it is supposed to be good for ten years, according to Ms. Nelson. Ms. Nelson said if the sign is installed now, her understanding is the Federal Highways Administration would pay to take the sign out and put it back in later as part of the Riverside Road project. There are sensors in the ground that get triggered by a bicycle crossing it. They would like to install the sign in July and if the county likes it, the sign would become part of the Riverside Road project. Chairman Dinning stated that his only concern is farm equipment that comes through that area and he does not know if there would be enough room to accommodate that. Chairman Dinning asked when the Riverside Road project is supposed to start. Ms. Nelson responded that construction is to start in the summer of 2020.

Discussion was held regarding Road & Bridge staff positions. There will be one employee leaving soon so that position will be filled. Mr. Morris said that another position would not hurt. There are two mechanics and a shop foreman. The trucks are all 12 years old and older. Graders have all been updated. Clerk Poston said there are three mechanics funded plus a shop foreman. One of the mechanics went to the crusher, but also works as a mechanic in the shop when time allows, according to Ms. Nelson. There are three people at the crusher, but one is only part-time who also works part-time as a mechanic, according to Ms. Nelson.

Phil Schnuerle joined the meeting at 9:17 a.m.

Chairman Dinning informed Ms. Nelson and Mr. Morris that there was at one time a five-year plan for Road & Bridge and Commissioners would like a new plan. Ms. Nelson said they are working on that.

The signs have been pulled off Ruby Creek Bridge # 2, according to Mr. Morris.

Chairman Dinning inquired if there was a problem with the Parker Creek Bridge inspection. Ms. Nelson said there was and the bridge is weight restricted now. Chairman Dinning inquired if it will take a logging truck and Ms. Nelson responded that it will not. Chairman Dinning inquired if making the bridge one lane would alleviate the problem. Ms. Nelson said that the engineer is looking at that. Ms. Nelson said that she will send the engineer another email to check on the status and to inform them that there may be a timber sale in that area. Trout Creek and Ruby Creek Bridge # 2 are scheduled for next year, according to Ms. Nelson. Ruby Creek Bridge # 3 will get a new deck as will Ruby Creek Bridge # 4.

Road & Bridge received an old military wrecker frame last week which they traded gravel to Paradise Valley Fire Department for the fire department’s parking lot. Clerk Poston asked for the Road & Bridge Department to make sure that the item gets put on the fixed assets. Chairman Dinning asked that Ms. Nelson and Ms. Morris send Commissioners an email outlining how they obtained the wrecker frame.

Phil Schnuerle asked, if when grindings from the highway project are delivered to the county, could some of the grindings be put down in front of the bathrooms at Riverside Park. Mr. Morris said Road & Bridge could do that.

Mr. Schnuerle left the meeting at 9:27 a.m.

Discussion was held regarding the use of grindings. U.S. Highway 2 to the Montana line is supposed to be done within a couple of years and the county could use the grindings from that project.

The meeting with the Road & Bridge Department ended at 9:31 a.m.

9:31 a.m., County Civil Attorney Tevis Hull met with Commissioners to update various projects. There is an agreement for the Airport Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) and Attorney Hull said he looked at it and it is good with his changes.

Chairman Dinning informed Attorney Hull that Brian Woods is looking at using a gravel pit in the Moyie area for a road he is building for the railroad to be taken over by the county. According to Chairman Dinning, he asked Planning & Zoning Administrator John Moss to look into whether the property in question is a gravel pit and Mr. Moss reported that there is a Conditional Use Permit that was issued to Fay and Fredericka Flory in the 1980’s for a gravel pit. It appears that it is an existing gravel pit that has been approved, but Woods will have to live with the conditions set and there must be $5,000.00 bond, according to Attorney Hull.

There still needs to be liability and workers compensation coverage for contractors to donate their time for the fairgrounds restroom renovations, according to Attorney Hull.

Clerk Poston stated that Sheriff Kramer wants to use the courthouse metal detector at the Sheriff’s Office and then carry it back to the courthouse when it is needed here. Commissioners will talk about that, according to Chairman Dinning.

Chairman Dinning stated that Commissioners are looking into increasing Planning & Zoning fees and Administrator John Moss has been keeping track of his time. Attorney Hull said he is aware of the matrix and once we figure it out, the county can use that information to increase fees. Mr. Moss needs a secretary and there is also a need for a GIS person to take that work off of the county mapper and Road & Bridge, according to Chairman Dinning.

Clerk Poston asked Attorney Hull if the county could combine a notice of public hearing to increase various fees more than 5% or does there have to be a separate notice for each proposed fee increase. Attorney Hull said the hearings for the fee increases can be combined.

Commissioner Kirby moved to approve the minutes of June 17 and 18, 2019. Commissioner Cossairt second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners authorized the Chairman to write and send a letter to the Mike Nunke, on Upper Pack River Road, regarding his solid waste fees.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign the Certificates of Residency for Bridget Olson and Brandi VanTassel. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to appoint Tess Rae to the Boundary County Parks and Recreation Board with the term to fill a vacancy and finish the term. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Discussion was held regarding the GIS position. It was suggested that there could be a fee associated with locating and assigning an address which would cover the cost of the position.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign the property tax cancellation form on parcel # RP60N02W218362A cancelling $141.48 for the second solid waste charge and late fees in the amount of $7.67 plus interest on the second half. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously. The property owner was paying two solid waste fees and this cancels one of them.

10:00 a.m. Solid Waste Department Superintendent Claine Skeen, Chief Deputy Clerk Tracie Isaac and County Civil Attorney Tevis Hull joined the meeting.

Commissioner Kirby moved to go into session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b), to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. Commissioner Cossairt second. Commissioners voted as follows: Chairman Dinning “aye”, Commissioner Cossairt “aye” and Commissioner Kirby “aye”. Motion passed unanimously. The executive session ended at 10:46 a.m. No action was taken.

Attorney Hull and Chief Deputy Clerk Isaac left the meeting

Mr. Skeen, Commissioners and Clerk Poston discussed the Solid Waste Department budget. Commissioner Cossairt inquired if the Solid Waste Department is removing tires this year. Mr. Skeen said that they would like to but it depends on the carry forward needed. The metal will not be removed because of the low cost being offered at this time. $136,000.00 has been anticipated as revenue and that amount will be met minus baling the metal pile, according to Mr. Skeen. Mr. Skeen stated that currently the Solid Waste Department is at $130,000.00 and not selling the metal pile is not going to hurt the Solid Waste Department as far as anticipated revenue. Clerk Poston stated that she sees there is $82,000.00 in revenue received as of June 21, 2019. Chairman Dinning said it is an immediate priority to figure out why there is a discrepancy. No government billings have been received, but it might be in a different category, according to Clerk Poston. Mr. Skeen said there is a form filled out showing daily funds received and Mr. Skeen brings the funds to the Clerk’s Office and the Clerk’s office gives the Solid Waste Department a receipt. Clerk Poston stated that she does not know if there will be any expenses out of wood debris where $60,000.00 is budgeted or $10,000.00 in tire removal that was budgeted and she inquired if that is being carried forward into next year’s budget. Mr. Skeen had indicated a 12% fee increase with no carryforward into next year. The used oil burner was another question in addition to the capital building expense for expanding the office and expanding the white equipment building by 14 feet. A 12% increase equates to about $104,000.00, according to Mr. Skeen. Mr. Skeen reported that $2,651.00 was received in May for tire revenue. The Solid Waste Department started charging for tires in October 2018. Wood charges as of May brought in $2,455.00. The first six yards of wood debris daily is free. $40,000 will not be enough to take care of the tire pile, but it will put a good dent in it, according to Mr. Skeen. The Solid Waste Department is going over budget on their used oil and anti-freeze, according to Mr. Skeen. Chairman Dinning asked Mr. Skeen to take a look at the budget and come up with the least potential increase as possible. Clerk Poston said that the department needs about $200,000.00 to operate the first quarter of the next fiscal year.

Mr. Skeen left the meeting at 11:13 a.m.

11:13 a.m., Courthouse Maintenance John Buckley joined the meeting to give the Maintenance Department report. The Memorial Hall roof was discussed. There was some unanticipated rot found in the wall when the roof was being replaced. The old roof had some rot problems also and there is mold between the two spaces because there is no ventilation, according to Chairman Dinning. Mr. Buckley said the vents should be installed at the north and the south ends of the building to alleviate the problem and he will make it happen. Mr. Buckley reported that the stove vent in the kitchen does not go all the way up through the roof.

Courthouse sidewalk improvements will take place this year. Down to Earth Works will work under BR Concrete, Inc. because BR Concrete, Inc. has worker’s compensation insurance and BR Concrete, Inc. will be paid for the whole project. Chairman Dinning informed Mr. Buckley that Commissioners need a new quote from BR Concrete, Inc. that has the quote for the whole project.

Economic Development Council (EDC) Director Dennis Weed and Mat Surprenant from E. L. Automation joined the meeting at 11:22 a.m.

Mr. Buckley said within the next couple of years, the Maintenance Department will need a different vehicle. Chairman Dinning instructed Mr. Buckley to get with Kevin Dirks regarding painting the courthouse.

Discussion was held regarding the Maintenance Department and Veterans Memorial budgets. Clerk Poston reminded Mr. Buckley to let her know when projects are happening so she knows whether to carry funds forward. Mr. Buckley reported that the refrigerator in Memorial Hall will need to be replaced within the next couple of years. Mr. Buckley said the Memorial Hall is in pretty good shape. The floor is holding up well. The floor was last done four years ago.

Mr. Buckley reported that he received a quote on a door for the Planning & Zoning Office. It is a steel frame metal door that will be installed to the east through to the ambulance barn/maintenance shop. Mr. Buckley will order the door and speak with Jeff Lindsey, Boundary Ambulance Service. The door costs $425.00. The way the door locks was discussed and Mr. Buckley said he will have to give some thought to that.

Discussion was held regarding what is on the Maintenance Department list of things to be done. Mr. Buckley said the Appraiser’s bathroom is finished with the exception of a small leak. There is nothing with the Waterways budget that needs addressed, according to Mr. Buckley. Clerk Poston said she needs carpet replaced in the Clerk’s Office. Mr. Buckley said he will get an estimate. Indoor Air Care told Mr. Buckley to clean ductwork in the Appraiser’s building will cost $375.00, the Extension Office ductwork cleaning will cost $700.00, and the Armory ductwork will cost $1,075.00 to clean. Mr. Buckley stated that his understanding is that the Restorium has put $1,850.00 in their budget for next year to clean the ductwork at the Restorium. Commissioners think the ductwork at the Armory building should wait until after the remodel, but the Appraiser’s building and the Extension Office should be done. The ductwork at the Sheriff’s Office has already been cleaned, according to Mr. Buckley.

Mr. Buckley left the meeting at 11:43 a.m.

11:43 a.m., Economic Development Council (EDC) Director Dennis Weed met with Commissioners to give an update on EDC projects. A $30,000.00 EDC Grant was received from the State of Idaho, according to Mr. Weed. A lot of different community projects are funded by grants through the Innovia Foundation, according to Mr. Weed. The Foundation is looking at changing the way they are funding grants in that each county will get only what is donated in that county instead of pooling the money donated throughout the state and dividing it up among the counties. This could hurt our county, according to Mr. Weed.

Mr. Weed reported that a national grocery store chain is looking at the ShopKo building. There is no employee pool here, according to Mr. Weed. There are over 250 employees between the two mills.

Mr. Weed brought up the topic of abatement of property tax for improvements. Mr. Weed will bring the proposal in and go over it with Commissioners, but Commissioners would have to adopt it. Chairman Dinning said Commissioners have chosen not to adopt it so far. Chairman Dinning stated that he has a concern of someone coming from the outside receiving a tax break. Mr. Weed said his concern is to keep jobs here. Commissioners will look at it if Mr. Weed brings it in.

Mr. Weed left the meeting at 11:56 a.m.

Mat Surprenant asked whom E.L. Automation would speak to if they want to put internet to the county Road & Bridge yard by Three Mile or go through the yard. Chairman Dinning asked that Mr. Surprenant speak with Road & Bridge and Road & Bridge will in turn come to Commissioners with their recommendation. Mr. Surprenant asked about E.L. Automation possibly suppling internet to the county offices. Clerk Poston informed Mr. Surprenant about the county having high speed internet at the courthouse now for the court program. Mr. Surprenant wanted to know how to get a proposal to the county for each place, the courthouse, armory, Road & Bridge, etc. Clerk Poston said that the yearly cost doesn’t bring it up to a bid process. Clerk Poston asked Mr. Surprenant to double check with Chief Deputy Clerk Tracie Isaac as she would have information on what we have at the courthouse. The departments have their separate budgets and those departments would give their recommendations to Commissioners.

Mr. Surprenant left the meeting at 12:04 p.m.

Commissioners recessed for lunch at 12:04 p.m.

1:30 p.m., Commissioners reconvened for the afternoon session with Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner Wally Cossairt, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Clerk Nancy Ryals. Commissioner Walt Kirby was attending to personal business.

Commissioners held a discussion regarding the county’s personnel policy. Clerk Poston, Assessor Dave Ryals, and Chief Deputy Clerk Tracie Isaac were also present. Discussion was held regarding the county travel meal per diem. Chairman Dinning stated that he would like to amend the current per diem and raise it to $17.00 for breakfast, $17.00 for lunch and $27.00 for dinner. Assessor Ryals suggested going up to $30.00 for dinner. Discussion was held regarding departure and return times and meal compensation. Assessor Ryals suggested that a breakfast per diem only be given if you are leaving at least one hour before your shift normally begins. Chairman Dinning said the state per diem rates are lower. The county has not changed the per diem rate since at least 2008. Commissioner Cossairt said he wants to say no, but he knows what restaurants cost. Discussion was held regarding the fact that in some parts of the state/country meals cost much more. Chairman Dinning stated that the elected official maybe should be able to give more per diem on a case-by-case basis. Discussion was held regarding continental breakfasts that may be available. Assessor Ryals pointed out that you are suffered to travel so you should be compensated for that.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to set per diem rates at $17.00 for breakfast, $17.00 for lunch and $30.00 for dinner. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second and called for discussion. Commissioner Cossairt moved to amend his motion to state that the new per diem rates are to take effect August 1, 2019. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Clerk Poston stated that the per diem rates went up quite a bit and elected officials and department heads need to be mindful of that for their budget.

Discussion was held regarding at-will employees. Assessor Ryals inquired if the State of Idaho is at-will. Clerk Poston said yes. Chairman Dinning said the law says “right to work”. Assessor Ryals said it is the same as “at-will”. Discussion regarding at-will will be continued until next week.

Chief Deputy Clerk Isaac informed those present that a representative from the State Insurance Fund will be here on July 24, 2019 to train elected officials and department heads regarding worker’s compensation. Clerk Poston said what the county is looking at is sending employees to preferred providers instead of a doctor of the employee’s choice. It would be a third party independent physician.

The discussion ended at 2:08 p.m. and Assessor Ryals and Chief Deputy Clerk Isaac left the meeting.

2:00 p.m., Restorium Administrator Karlene Magee and Assistant Administrator Diana Lane joined the meeting to give their department report.

Ms. Magee reported that Cool-It will be here this week to repair the boiler. Clerk Poston asked that Cool-It provide a report of what is needed. Chairman Dinning suggested that Ms. Magee call Atlas also.

Ms. Magee informed Commissioners that there are 20 walkers and canes and she inquired if they go to the auction and not sell, could they be donated to the Senior Center. Chairman Dinning stated that Commissioners would need to make a motion to transfer that inventory. Sandpoint Resource Center gives medical equipment out also and could possibly use walkers or canes. Chairman Dinning said there are also other assisted living facilities. Clerk Poston suggested Panhandle Health may also have use of medical equipment.

Ms. Magee asked how long she has to keep a resident’s medical file. Chairman Dinning stated that he will check with the county civil attorney. The files are secure but are taking up a lot of room, according to Ms. Magee.

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) pads will expire in July, according to Ms. Magee. Clerk Poston informed those present that there are some on order and the ambulance personnel are supposed to go around and change those. Clerk Poston informed Ms. Magee and Ms. Lane if that does not happen to let her know.

The amount Blue Cross owes the county is approximately $19,700.00, according to Ms. Magee. It is collectable and the Restorium is hoping to receive those funds in this budget year. Ms. Magee reported that they are going to a training on July 17th for billing.

Discussion was held regarding the proposed Restorium Budget for next fiscal year. Clerk Poston said she came up with 56,000 hours. Rate increases were discussed. 4.9 % is the proposed increase with an 8.5% increase for new residents. There will need to be a public hearing to establish the new rates for the new admissions. It was asked how much money in wages it cost to help the Friends work the BBQ, Ms. Magee said they were short staffed and there was no increase in the cost of wages. Chairman Dinning inquired if there is a need to increase the lower end of staff wages. Ms. Magee indicated that she thinks that we are competitive with the hospital, but she wishes there was more of an incentive for working weekends and graveyard shifts. Chairman Dinning said part-time employees working on a holiday get the holiday pay but they do not get the holiday off. There are 10 holidays for full-time employees and Clerk Poston suggested maybe part-time employees could get four holidays or some other incentive. Chairman Dinning informed Ms. Magee that Dennis Weed, the EDC Director, said that there is no employee pool here. The budget does include another full-time position, according to Clerk Poston. We are levying about $149,000 this year for the Restorium.

The Restorium count is at 36 residents.

The meeting with Ms. Magee and Ms. Lane ended at 2:37 p.m.

Commissioners attended to administrative duties.

3:00 p.m., There being no further business, the meeting adjourned until tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.

***Tuesday, July 2, 2019, at 10:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Walt Kirby, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Clerk Nancy Ryals.

10:00 a.m., Commissioners held a tax deeded property auction at the Extension Office. Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Walt Kirby, Clerk Glenda Poston, Treasurer Sue Larson, Chief Deputy Treasurer Jennifer Economu, and Deputy Clerk Nancy Ryals were present. Also present were Scott Harris, Kristopher Lummus, Amanda Lammers, Bryon Regehr, Scott Pennock, Brian Reeves, Joy Brubaker, Philip Latenser, Dallas Gray, Terry Johnson, Kim Hall, DeAnna Galbraith, Ed Robbins, Terry Robbins, Dayna Spreeuw, Matt Spreeuw, Valerie Surprenant, Mat Surprenant, Ron Sukenik, Kelley Vogel, Andrakay Pluid, Mike Klaus, Lisa Ailport, Terry Johnson, David Byler, Darin Byler, Jonathan Mast, Stacie Watts, John Hathaway, Travis Schneider, Rick Dinning, and Rosanne Smith.

Chairman Dinning announced that all successful bidders must provide a $100.00 non-refundable deposit in the form of cash or cashier's check to secure the bid and shall have three business days to provide Boundary County with certified funds for the balance of the amount due. The balance is due by the close of business, 5:00 p.m., on Monday (July 8, 2019). The Commissioners reserve the right to refuse any and all bids. Boundary County makes no warranties expressed or implied regarding these properties, it is up to the purchaser to look into it. Chairman Dinning read the minimum bid for each parcel at the time of the sale.

The following properties were offered for sale:

Property # Legal Description Prior Owner
Property #1 Lots 17, 18 Dennis M. Garrett Block 16
Bonners Ferry Addition
Sec 27 T62N R1E
Parcel #RPB0120016018AA
Approximate Acreage: .196
Address: NNA Camas Street, on the north side of the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho

The minimum bid was $1,376.29. The City of Bonners Ferry represented by Stacie Watts, was the only bidder at $1,376.29.

Property #2 Lots 19 through 24 & North Part of Lot 25 Dennis M. Garrett
Block 16
Bonners Ferry
Sec 27 T62N R1E
Parcel #RPB0120016025AA
Approximate Acreage: .685
Address: NNA Camas Street on the north side of the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho

The minimum bid was $1,944.87. Stacie Watts, for the City of Bonners Ferry, was the highest bidder at $2,500.00.

Property #3 Lots 3 & 4 Dennis M. Garrett
Block 4
O’Callaghan’s Acre Tract
Sec 27 T62N R1E
Parcel #RPB0700004004BA
Approximate Acreage: 1.976
Address: NNA near Apache Street, north side of the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho

The minimum bid was $2,824.23. Stacie Watts, for the City of Bonners Ferry, was the highest bidder at $5,100.00.

Property #4 Lot 7 Phyllis C. Cutler
XMAS Hills Subdivision (Meadow Creek)
Sec 1 T63N R1E
Parcel #RP011600010070A
Approximate Acreage: 3.52
Address: 292 Fortyniner Lane, Bonners Ferry, Idaho

The minimum bid was $1,999.99. Philip Latenser was the highest bidder at $15,100.00.

Property #5 Tax 27 W L Kinnear
Sec 19 T61N R1E
Parcel #RP61N01E194060A
Approximate Acreage: .360
4736 Deep Creek Loop, Bonners Ferry, Idaho

The minimum bid was $740.77. Tungsten Holdings, Inc., represented by Rick Dinning, was the highest bidder at $6,500.00.

Property #6 Tax 27 Enlightened Living LLC
Sec 13 T61N R1W
Parcel #RP61N01W134205A
Approximately Acreage 10.0
Located approximately 7.5 miles southwest of Bonners Ferry, Idaho (NNA near Castle Lane)

The minimum bid was $3,857.86. Joy Brubaker was the highest bidder at $25,000.00.

Property #7 N 250’ of Tax 7 Alan Wilson
Sec 4 T62N R1E
Parcel #RP62N01E042400A
Approximate Acreage: 5.18
Located approximately 6 miles northwest of the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho
(NNA near Moon Shadow Rd)

The minimum bid was $2,157.44. Scott Pennock was the highest bidder at $10,000.00.

10:30 a.m., Commissioners returned to their chambers and attended to administrative duties.

11:00 a.m., Commissioners and Clerk Glenda Poston met in a budget workshop. The workshop ended at 11:40 a.m.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:44 a.m.

Motion to approve these minutes made on July 8, 2019.

DAN R. DINNING, Chairman


By: Nancy Ryals, Deputy Clerk

Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 13:30
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