Commissioners' Meeting Minutes - Week of June 4, 2018

***Monday, June 4, 2018, at 9:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner LeAlan Pinkerton, Commissioner Walt Kirby, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

County resident Marty Martinez and Blue Sky Broadcasting News Reporter Mike Brown were in attendance of the meetings off and on throughout the day.

Commissioners gave the opening invocation and said the Pledge of Allegiance.

9:00 a.m., Road and Bridge Department Superintendent Clint Kimball joined the meeting to give the departmental report. A written report was presented. Mr. Kimball said Road and Bridge placed grindings on Mirror Lake Road last week and there should be enough grindings from the second phase to do a really good job on this road. Mr. Kimball spoke briefly of issues involving traffic control. Mr. Kimball informed Commissioners that he visited the site of the Atkins Canyon slide with the engineers, Landslide Technologies, who are experienced in these situations and dug test holes. Mr. Kimball explained learning to tell the difference between silt and clay.

Mr. Kimball said he is still having trouble with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as it pertains to the Fry Creek and Trout Creek projects. FEMA teams keep rotating and the first team to review the projects had qualified them for funding, but a second team subsequently determined the two projects didn’t qualify, according to Mr. Kimball.

Mr. Kimball said Road and Bridge has participated in the annual refresher course on mine safety training and is spending time working on Snow Creek and Lions Den. This week Road and Bridge will install a culvert on Pack River Road, do sign work, durapatching, grading and sweeping, and stockpiling riprap at bridge project sites so they are ready to go.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to sign the revised second Pay for Use Agreement with Caterpillar Financial Services for a 2018 Caterpillar 140M3AWD Motor Grader, Serial/VIN #N9J00680. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

9:06 a.m., Commissioners held a bid opening for 2018 chloride dust palliative materials for the Road and Bridge Department. Present were: Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner LeAlan Pinkerton, Commissioner Walt Kirby, Clerk Glenda Poston, Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser, Road and Bridge Department Superintendent Clint Kimball, and Marty Martinez. The bid opening was recorded.

Only one sealed bid was received and it was from Oxford Inc. Oxford Inc.’s bid was $465.00 per ton, for up to 80 tons, of CaCl mini pellets (94%) for a total bid of $37,200.00. Included in the bid was the bid bond for five percent of the total amount bid as well as a proof of insurance.

Commissioner Kirby moved to accept the bid from Oxford Inc. for $465.00 per ton, for up to 80 tons, of CaCl mini pellets (94%) for a total bid of $37,200.00. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously.

The bid opening ended at 9:08 a.m.

Commissioner Kirby moved to sign the Independent Contractor Agreement with Oxford Inc. for calcium chloride dust abatement materials. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously.
Those present discussed the need to sign another SAM.GOV letter confirming that Clerk Poston is acting as an Entity Administrator and is authorized to manage the Road and Bridge registration record for the System for Award Management (SAM).

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the SAM.GOV letter confirming Clerk Poston as Entity Administrator for the Road and Bridge System for Award Management account. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

The Road and Bridge Department report ended at 9:16 a.m.

County Civil Attorney Tevis Hull and Chief Deputy Clerk Tracie Isaac joined the meeting at 9:26 a.m.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to amend the agenda to go into executive session regarding settlement negotiations in a legal issue. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

9:36 a.m., Commissioner Kirby moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)f, to communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated, but imminently likely to be litigated. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Commissioners voted as follows: Chairman Dinning “aye”, Commissioner Pinkerton “aye” and Commissioner Kirby “aye”. Motion passed unanimously. The executive session ended at 10:18 a.m. No action was taken.

Attorney Hull and Chief Deputy Clerk Isaac left the meeting at 10:22 a.m.

Chairman Dinning stated that on May 21, 2018, Commissioners made motion to sign the settlement agreement so he will be doing that today.

Boundary Economic Development Director Dennis Weed joined the meeting to provide Commissioners with an update of Economic Development matters. Solid Waste Department Superintendent Claine Skeen and Assistant Superintendent Eric Owen also joined the meeting.

10:22 a.m., Mr. Weed informed Commissioners that a new auto body shop is opening up soon and a few people have already been hired, Two Tones, the new café, has opened now, and as far as the Albertson’s property purchase transaction, he is still working on that so he can get the investors into the building. Mr. Weed discussed a proposed bike path that will provide riders with access to Riverside Ball Park without having to cross the highway. Mr. Weed listed various businesses that are in need of employees.

Clerk Poston brought up the two invoices received by the county from Keller and Associates for their work on the regional sewer feasibility study thus far. Mr. Weed said he spoke to Charlie Parkins with the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) who informed him that Keller and Associates has to complete a facial page and submit it to DEQ so he will contact Keller and Associates about that. Mr. Weed agreed that Clerk Poston will hold the invoices until the funds comes through.

The meeting with Mr. Weed ended at 10:30 a.m.

10:30 a.m., Mr. Skeen and Mr. Owen met with Commissioners to provide the monthly department report and to review budget details. Mr. Skeen, Clerk Poston and Commissioners reviewed various fees proposed for the next budget year. Mr. Skeen said overages in wood would bring in an estimated revenue of $10,000 so anything over three yards per day would be assessed a fee of 2.5 cents per pound and everyone will pay 2.5 cents per pound when it comes to stumps, which is approximately $50 per ton. Mr. Skeen said the cost is $44.50 per ton for Cannon Hill Industries. Mr. Skeen said he would propose a fee of 5 cents per pound for concrete, which is inert, but the Solid Waste Department will have to do something with concrete eventually. Mr. Skeen estimated a fee for concrete of $100 per ton or approximately $1,000 in revenue, being conservative. Mr. Skeen said as far as tires he spoke to someone at Les Schwab and Les Schwab doesn’t bring their tires to the landfill, but they do have a fee structure that is charged to the client to dispose of tires. Chairman Dinning said the county can only charge a fee within reason of what the county’s cost is. Mr. Skeen spoke of how much a tire can weigh and how smaller tires can weigh more than larger tires depending on tread, etc. Mr. Skeen discussed charging a fee on a per tire basis as opposed to allowing the first four tires at no charge as a person could bring in one tire, go back at a later date and bring in another tire, etc. Chairman Dinning said he would like to make it simple for the public. Mr. Skeen proposed charging everyone who brings tires to the landfill on a per tire basis. Commissioner Pinkerton said that is reasonable.

It was said there is no fee for a limit of three yards of wood debris per day, but there would be an overage of 5 cents per pound over the three yard limit. With that number it will take time to see what revenue is generated, but an estimate could be anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000. Mr. Skeen said he is being conservative with concrete and wood. Clerk Poston asked if the landfill accepts charge cards. Mr. Skeen said he doesn’t have a system for that.

Chairman Dinning suggested reviewing budget scenario #3. The county would reduce the tire removal budget for the next year to $10,000, but the landfill is expecting to remove all tires this year at a cost of $30,000. Chairman Dinning said he is not so sure the county will have the landfill closure operating plan approved in time for Ellery Howard with JUB Engineering to get going due to issues with the Department of Environmental Quality. Those present discussed not budgeting $25,000 for closure costs and engineering fees, etc. Chairman Dinning said Mr. Skeen had suggested assessing a fee of 5 cents per pound for yard waste if the amount is over three yards. The cost for someone to dispose of tires is proposed at $2 for regular tires, $8 for truck tires and $40 for oversize tires for an overall proposed revenue of $2,000. The limit for wood and brush is three yards per day and a fee of 2.5 cents per pound for debris over that. Stump disposal will have a fee of 2.5 cents per pound for an estimated revenue of $10,000.

Mr. Skeen mentioned that South Boundary Fire District had contacted him about the possibility of waiving the fee for wood disposal if they bring in wood from an old structure they may be tearing down that is next to the fire station. Commissioners said the fire department will need to come in to request that.

The meeting with Mr. Skeen and Mr. Owen ended at 10:56 a.m.

Deputy Clerk Nancy Ryals joined the meeting at 10:57 a.m.

11:01 a.m., Commissioner Kirby moved to go into closed session pursuant to Idaho Code 31-874. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously. 11:03 a.m., Commissioner Kirby moved to go out of closed session. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to approve non-medical for indigent cases 2018-17 and 2018-18. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the claim against the estate for CV11-18-0245. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to sign Certificates of Residency for Kelsey English, Kathryn Breneman and Kaleb Huseby. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Deputy Clerk Ryals left the meeting at 11:04 a.m.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Idaho Liquor Catering Permit for Naples General Store for an event at Moose Valley Farms on June 7, 2018. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the pay requests from Panhandle Area Council for the following Idaho Department of Lands hazardous fuels reduction grant projects under the Wildland Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Program: Grant #14COMP-LKRWR, #11 for the Lower Kootenai River Watershed Restoration project for an amount of $22,119.30; Grant #15HFR1, #8 for the Temple-Deer project for an amount of $7,835; Grant #16HFR1, #2 for the Temple-Deer II project for an amount of $21,228.05; and Grant #16WFM, #4 for the South Boundary Hazardous Fuels Reduction project for an amount of $4,862.44. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

Commissioner Kirby moved to approve the minutes for the week of May 21, 2018. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously.

Sheriff Dave Kramer and Chief Deputy Sheriff Rich Stephens joined the meeting at 11:37 a.m.

Sheriff Kramer informed Commissioners that he has a reserve officer who has helped in the jail and that he would like to employ this reserve officer in a part-time deputy position for when the Sheriff’s Office is short-handed in order to relieve pressure off jail staff a couple times per week. This officer is a level 2 who will go through police academy training that is coming up. Sheriff Kramer said he has a detention sergeant who will soon retire so the jail will be short-handed.

11:41 a.m., Commissioner Kirby moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code #74-206(1)b, to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member individual agent, or public school student. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Commissioners voted as follows: Chairman Dinning “aye”, Commissioner Pinkerton “aye” and Commissioner Kirby “aye”. Motion passed unanimously. The executive session ended at 11:45 a.m. No action was taken.

Sheriff Kramer and Chief Deputy Sheriff Stephens left the meeting at 11:48 a.m.

Commissioners recessed for lunch at 11:58 a.m.

1:30 p.m., Commissioners reconvened for the afternoon session with Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner LeAlan Pinkerton, Commissioner Walt Kirby, Clerk Glenda Poston and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

1:30 p.m., Commissioner Pinkerton moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)b, to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. Commissioner Kirby second. Commissioners voted as follows: Chairman Dinning “aye”, Commissioner Pinkerton “aye” and Commissioner Kirby “aye”. Motion passed unanimously. The executive session ended at 2:21 p.m. No action was taken.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to sign the Certificate of Residency for Colton Kunz. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:26 p.m.

DAN R. DINNING, Chairman


Glenda Poston, Clerk
By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy Clerk

Friday, June 22, 2018 - 16:30
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