Commissioners' Meeting Minutes - Week of March 2, 2020

***Monday, March 2, 2020, at 9:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Commissioner Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Walt Kirby, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser. Chairman Dan Dinning was out of the office.

County resident Marty Martinez was in attendance of the meetings off and on throughout the morning.

Commissioners gave the opening invocation and said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Kirby moved to appoint Commissioner Wally Cossairt acting chairman in the absence of Chairman Dan Dinning. Commissioner Cossairt second. Motion passed unanimously.

9:00 a.m., Road and Bridge Department Co-Superintendents Renee Nelson and Randy Morris joined the meeting. A written report was presented. Mr. Morris said Road and Bridge Department employee Brad Barton had spoken with Waterways Board Chairman Darron Branson about cleaning up the area near the Waterways boat launch, but the river level is still too high. It was asked if Waterways has budget for this work. Clerk Poston said yes, and maybe it’s possible to apply for a grant as there had been talk about redoing the concrete near the ramp. Clerk Poston said the budget for Waterways is there for this work. Mr. Morris said Road and Bridge does have staff who may like to do this type of work. Acting Chairman Cossairt said that would be up to Road and Bridge.

Ms. Nelson said she has not yet received the Western States Caterpillar financial documents for the Caterpillar 323 Excavator.

Commissioner Kirby moved to sign the Western States Caterpillar financial documents and associated documents for the 323 Caterpillar Excavator for the Road and Bridge Department once the documents have been received. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to adopt Resolution 2020-20 as it pertains to the Western States/Caterpillar Municipal Lease Purchase of a 323 Caterpillar Excavator for the Road and Bridge Department once the document is received. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2020-20 reads as follows:

(See next page for Resolution 2020-20)

Commissioner Kirby moved to sign the Justification/Sponsor Letter for the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council project, Key No. 13419, Trout Creek Bridge. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Nelson informed Commissioners about ordering a computer monitor and how it had arrived damaged. Ms. Nelson said she was informed that she needs to pay for the damaged computer before getting reimbursed.

Acting Chairman Cossairt asked if Road and Bridge has started receiving telephone calls about tree farmers gearing up to start digging as it relates to hauling. Mr. Morris said roads are holding up fairly well. Lions Den Road does have ruts. Mr. Morris said Road and Bridge will start their crew on a five days per week schedule once permit season is over.

The meeting with Ms. Nelson and Mr. Morris ended at 9:25 a.m.

Commissioner Kirby moved to sign the Columbia Bank Municipal Equipment Lease Purchase Agreement and associated documents regarding Lease No. 2049363 for a Caterpillar Model 906H2 Compact Wheel Loader, Serial No. JRF00564 for the Solid Waste Department. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to adopt Resolution 2020-19. A resolution regarding the lease purchase agreement for a Caterpillar Model 906H2 Compact Wheel Loader, Serial No. JRF00564 for the Solid Waste Department. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2020-19 reads as follows:


At a duly called meeting of the governing body of Lessee held in accordance with all applicable legal requirements, including open meeting laws, on the 24th day of February, 2020, the following resolution was introduced and adopted:


WHEREAS, the governing body of Boundary County (“Lessee”) desires to obtain certain equipment (the “Equipment”) described in Governmental Lease-Purchase Agreement No. 2049363 (collectively, the “Lease”) with Columbia Bank (“Lessor”), the form of which has been available for review by the governing body of Lessee prior to this meeting; and

WHEREAS, the Equipment is essential for the Lessee to perform its governmental functions; and

WHEREAS, the funds made available under the Lease will be applied to the acquisition of the Equipment in accordance with such Lease; and

WHEREAS, Lessee has taken the necessary steps, including those relating to any applicable legal bidding requirements, to arrange for the acquisition of the Equipment; and

WHEREAS, Lessee proposes to enter into the Lease with Lessor substantially in the form presented to this meeting.


Section 1. It is hereby found and determined that the terms of the Lease in the form presented to this meeting and incorporated in this resolution are in the best interests of Lessee for the acquisition of the Equipment.

Section 2. The Lease and the acquisition and financing of the Equipment under the terms and conditions as described in the Lease are hereby approved. The Governing Body of Lessee and any other officer of Lessee who shall have power to execute contracts on behalf of Lessee be, and each of them hereby is, authorized to execute, acknowledge and deliver the Lease with any changes, insertions and omissions therein as may be approved by the officers who execute the Lease, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by such execution and delivery of the Lease. The Governing Body of the Lessee and any other officer of Lessee who shall have power to do so be, and each of them hereby is, authorized to affix the official seal of Lessee to the Lease and attest the same.

Section 3. The proper officers of Lessee be, and each of them hereby is, authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all papers, instruments, opinions, certificates, affidavits and other documents and to do or cause to be done any and all other acts and things necessary or proper for carrying out this resolution and the Lease.

Section 4. Pursuant to Section 265(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), Lessee hereby specifically designates the Lease as a “qualified tax-exempt obligation” for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code.

The undersigned further certifies that the above resolution has not been repealed or amended and remains in full force and effect and further certifies that the Lease executed on behalf of Lessee is the same as presented at such meeting of the governing body of Lessee, excepting only such changes, insertions and omissions as shall have been approved by the officers who executed the same.

Dated February 24, 2020
Lessee: Boundary County
Dan R. Dinning, Chairman
Wally Cossairt, Commissioner
Walt Kirby, Commissioner
Glenda Poston, Clerk
By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy Clerk
Recorded as instrument #280954

Commissioner Kirby moved to adopt Resolution 2020-21. A resolution regarding the disposition of records of the Boundary County Treasurer’s Office. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2020-21 reads as follows:


WHEREAS, the Boundary County Treasurer’s Office is currently storing old records of Boundary County; and

WHEREAS, due to lack of storage space, the Boundary County Treasurer’s Office has requested permission to dispose of old records; and

WHEREAS, the Boundary County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has advise the Board of Boundary County Commissioners regarding the classification of such records pursuant to Idaho Code 31-871; and

NOW THEREFORE, upon motion duly made seconded and unanimously carried,

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the following records be classified and disposed of as follows:

The following records have been deemed permanent by the Boundary County Commissioners on the advice of the County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and permanent records must be kept for a minimum of ten years. The following records are to be disposed of in the county landfill:

 Tax Drive Reports 2009
 Tax Due Summary 2/2006 – 9/2010
 Yield Bills 6-2010 – 12/2007
 Deferred Monthly Reports/Charges 2008 - 2009
 Assessor Abstract Reports 2009
 SubRoll Tax Drive Reports 2009
 Utilities Reports 2009
 Taxes Monthly Reports/Charges 11/2007 – 12/2009
 Auditor Certificates 12/2008 – 12/2009
 Auditor Certificate Deposits 12/2008 – 12/2009
 Journal Vouchers 05/2009 – 1/2010
 Redeemed Warrants Reports 4/2009 – 10/2009
 Tax Cancellations 1/2009 – 12/2009
 Certified to Real Property 2006 - 2009

The following records have been deemed semi-permanent by the Boundary County Commissioners on the advice of the County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and semi-permanent records must be kept for a minimum of five years. The following records are to be disposed of in the county landfill:

 Municipay duplicate receipts/reports 9-2012 – 12-2012
 Daily Deposit Listings 12/2013 – 06-2014
 Daily Cash Journal 12/2013 – 10/2014
 Tax Anticipation Reports 10/2013 – 09/2014
 Correspondence: Mortgage Co. 2010 – 2013
 Correspondence: General (3 year retention) 2015 – 2016
 Commissioner’s Extensions 2013 & 2014

Regularly passed and approved on this 2nd day of March, 2020.

WALLY COSSAIRT, Commissioner
WALT KIRBY, Commissioner

Reviewed by and on advice of Prosecuting Attorney this 26th day of February, 2020.

Prosecuting Attorney
Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners
By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy
Recorded as instrument #280939

Commissioner Kirby moved to sign the letter of support for the Boundary County Youth Crisis & Domestic Violence Hotline. Acting Chairman Cossairt second. Motion passed unanimously.

Those present discussed matters pertaining to hardship exemption applications and what questions to ask during the interview process.

9:46 a.m., Planning and Zoning Department Administrator John Moss stopped by Commissioners’ Office to inquire about the meeting scheduled for 10:30 a.m., when proposing an increase to Planning and Zoning application fees is to be discussed.

9:51 a.m., Solid Waste Department Claine Skeen joined the meeting to give the departmental report.

9:53 a.m., Mr. Moss left the meeting.

Mr. Skeen briefly discussed seeing where the market is as it pertains to baling metal. Mr. Skeen informed Commissioners that the oil furnace should be installed this week so he will start using it and it should be a savings. Mr. Skeen mentioned planning to attend the upcoming Idaho Solid Waste Conference.

The meeting with Mr. Skeen ended at 10:05 a.m.

10:15 a.m., Clerk Poston and Commissioners discussed general budget matters.

10:30 a.m., Commissioners and Clerk Poston discussed increasing fees for Planning and Zoning applications and rental fees associated with Memorial Hall. Clerk Poston reviewed information gathered by Mr. Moss to aid in determining how much Planning and Zoning application fees should be increased. Clerk Poston said she had sent information to Mr. Moss to help the process. Clerk Poston asked Commissioners if they want to get this information fine-tuned so they can work toward posting a notice of public hearing in the newspaper. Those present also discussed increasing fees for renting Memorial Hall.

Commissioner Kirby moved to propose increasing the rental fee for Memorial Hall to $65.00 from $41.80. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

11:00 a.m., Courthouse Maintenance John Buckley joined the meeting to give the departmental report.

Mr. Buckley said he will get ready for Kevin Dirks with Northwest Paint and Pre-Stain to paint the Courthouse exterior and he has trimmed the trees away from the Courthouse. Mr. Buckley said he will see if the fire escape was included in Mr. Dirks’s quotes. Someone had contacted Mr. Buckley wanting to repaint the Courthouse flagpole. Mr. Buckley informed Commissioners that he will get started painting the offices within the Courthouse and he discussed updating lighting in offices. Memorial Hall will soon get a deep cleaning as that is something that gets done every year. Mr. Buckley lists tasks he will work on to include repainting the steps to the Courthouse and fixing the back door.

The meeting with Mr. Buckley ended at 11:25 a.m.

11:30 a.m., Sheriff Dave Kramer and Sheriff’s Administrator Crystal Denton joined the meeting to discuss updating the Sheriff’s Office Zetron radio console and it’s connectivity.

The Sheriff’s Office wants to update the Zetron radio console in that office using funds that had been budgeted for that purpose. The original system had been installed in year 2004, according to Ms. Denton. Commissioner Kirby asked about moving to the armory. Ms. Denton replied that the console would eventually be relocated to the armory, but there is the logistics of connectivity and she doesn’t know where the funds to cover those costs would come from. Sheriff Kramer said EL Automation, Fat Beam and Frontier Communications are supposed to be providing quotes to Ms. Denton. Ms. Denton said the Sheriff’s Office will need a private fiber so all of the network is completely private. They will need speed and security. Clerk Poston said the backup courtroom will be in the meeting room at the armory and there will be separate connectivity. Ms. Denton said Fatbeam’s cost for a dedicated fiber line and internet is $895.00 per month. The Sheriff’s Office currently pays $430.00 per month for internet due to the speed requirement. Clerk Poston said the Sheriff’s Office budget will have to support that cost and she explained that there is budget, but that is for the armory remodel and that is separate. Acting Chairman Cossairt said the only concern is if the Sheriff’s Office is using Fatbeam’s service, how quickly can they respond if there is a problem? Ms. Denton replied that Fatbeam’s only focus is on businesses and not residential so response times should be quick.

Clerk Poston informed Sheriff Kramer that Cory Trapp with Longwell + Trapp Engineering is going to provide the signage of Boundary County Annex and other signage that will help reroute people to the appropriate entrances at the armory.

Ms. Denton said she will ask for a system upgrade through the 911 grant so the Sheriff’s Office would have all new phones and the phones at the armory should be good for quite some time.

The meeting with Sheriff Kramer and Ms. Denton ended at 11:50 a.m.

12:00 p.m., there being no further business, the meeting recessed until tomorrow at 3:00 p.m., for the Idaho Association of Counties legislative conference call for District 1.

***Tuesday, March 3, 2020, at 3:00 p.m., Acting Chairman Wally Cossairt participated in the Idaho Association of Counties legislative conference call for District 1. Assessor Dave Ryals and Treasurer Sue Larson; various elected officials from the remaining four northern counties; and members of the Idaho Association of Counties also participated in the call. The call ended at 3:30 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

Wally Cossairt, Acting Chairman


Glenda Poston, Clerk
By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy Clerk

Friday, April 10, 2020 - 09:45
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