***Monday, November 4, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Tim Bertling, Commissioner Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Ben Robertson and Deputy Clerk Stephanie Sims.
Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Resident Fay Almond joined the meeting at 9:02 a.m.
Squire Fields called in at 9:03 a.m. to give the Maintenance Department report. He is working on setup and takedown for the election. Atlas Boiler came and found a water leak in a line in the basement. Road and Bridge is creating an inventory for the items they brought in for the auction which should be ready by late November. The jail has a leak in the roof again and the roofing company has been called to fix it. Victim Services painted the room they are moving to in the basement. When the election is over Mr. Fields will begin work on the room for the court side of the Clerk’s office.
Glenda Poston entered the meeting at 9:06 a.m.
The call with Mr. Fields ended at 9:10 a.m.
Civil Attorney, Bill Wilson joined the meeting at 9:25 a.m.
Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign Airport Hanger Land Lease Agreement for Lot Lease D for Green Tree Properties. Commissioner Robertson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Robertson moved to sign Airport Hanger Land Lease Agreement for Lot Lease E2 for Paul Weschler. Commissioner Robertson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign Airport Hanger Land Lease Agreement for Lot Lease B2 for Shem Johnson. Commissioner Robertson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Wilson updated the Commissioners on projects he is working on. Road Standards Amendment is ready to move forward. He also provided the Commissioners with his recommendation for changes to the camping ordinance which includes additional language to eliminate confusion. Commissioner Robertson asked if the ordinance would have to be redone each year. Mr. Wilson responded no. Commissioners can move forward with a public hearing if they are satisfied.
Mr. Wilson was able to get an RFQ from Kootenai County to use as a template for the Safeway building. The Commissioners will assist Mr. Wilson with the details of the project for advertising.
The meeting with Mr. Wilson ended at 9:47 a.m. and he left the meeting. Ms. Poston also left the meeting.
Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign the Property Tax Cancellation form for tax year 2024 as it pertains to the request for cancellation of property taxes due to tax bills less than cost of postage: RPM05300000010A totaling $0.52, RPM05300000020A totaling $0.52, RPM05300000030A totaling $0.52, RPM05300000040A totaling $0.52, RPM05300000050A totaling $0.52, RPM05300000070A totaling $0.76, RPM05300000090A totaling $0.52, RPM05300000100A totaling $0.52, RPM05300000110A totaling $0.52. Commissioner Robertson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign the Property Tax Cancellation form for tax year 2024 as it pertains to the request for cancellation of property taxes due to error on MH65N01W09508AA totaling $3.70. Commissioner Robertson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign the Property Tax Cancellation form for tax year 2024 as it pertains to the request for cancellation of property taxes due to Homeowners Exemption: RP62N03E195413A totaling $468.60, RP62N03E223610A totaling $468.60, RP62N02E183770A totaling $468.60, RP62N01E097240A totaling $361.70, RP62N01E232411A totaling $468.60, RP011300020050A totaling $526.28, RP62N02E183159A totaling $296.08, RP62N01E111820A totaling $468.60, RP61N01E149315A totaling $311.40, RPB018000B0040A totaling $639.06, RP60N01W234012A totaling $230.26, RP00825000018BA totaling $468.60, and RP62N02E091800A totaling $249.78. Commissioner Robertson second. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign the Property Tax Cancellation form for tax year 2024 as it pertains to the request for cancellation of property taxes due to Homeowners Exemption: RP60N01W232550A totaling $70.08, MH60N01W232550A totaling $74.30, RP62N01E222403A totaling $171.50, MH62N01E222403A totaling $115.08, RPB06400000020A totaling $769.98, RPB06400000020A totaling $769.98, RPB0240005022AA totaling $769.98, RP60N01W023300A totaling $563.16, RP008220000080A totaling $468.60, RP011220000070A totaling $147.36, RP61N01E291800A totaling $147.36, RP61N01E090156A totaling $29.24, RP00930000001AA totaling $82.60, RP0470100008H0A $131.20, RP006520000040A totaling $65.88, RP61N01E323010A totaling $139.92 and RPB0240039001BA totaling $196.76. Commissioner Robertson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign the Property Tax Cancellation form for tax year 2024 as it pertains to the request for cancellation of property taxes due to Homeowners Exemption: RP61N01E081950A totaling $526.28, RP62N03E303311A totaling $131.20 and RP63N01W256450A totaling $171.50. Commissioner Robertson second. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Cossairt moved to approve the meeting minutes from October 28th. Commissioner Robertson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign the new private road name request from Martin Gorman for Chestnut Way. Commissioner Robertson second. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign Resolution 2025-4 to amend the FY 2024-2025 Solid Waste Fee Schedule. Commissioner Robertson second. Motion passed unanimously.
WHEREAS, it is the duty of the Board of County Commissioners to maintain and operate solid waste disposal systems, and
WHEREAS, Section 31-4404, Idaho Code, authorizes the Board of Boundary County Commissioners to collect fees for the purpose of providing funds to operate and maintain solid waste disposal systems, and
WHEREAS, all households, businesses, farms and professional practices should be equitably charged solid waste fees proportional to the amount of solid waste generated,
WHEREAS, the last solid waste fee increase was initiated for fiscal year 2024-2025 and the Board of County Commissioners, County of Boundary, State of Idaho, find it in the public interest to increase/decrease solid waste fees for Construction & Demolition for the 2024-2025 fiscal year to help fund the cost of operating the Solid Waste Department, and
WHEREAS, to further define construction, demolition and commercial waste, and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, County of Boundary, State of Idaho, are not required to hold a public hearing to receive public comment on a proposal to increase solid waste fees as the increase is less than (5%), and
WHEREAS, the following is an estimate of what this change may mean to a Boundary County user, and
NOW, THEREFORE, on motion duly made, seconded, and unanimously carried,
IT IS RESOLVED that the Boundary County Board of Commissioners do hereby set and establish the following solid waste collection fees in accordance with the fee schedule attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein.
DATED AND DONE this 1st day of December, 2024.
Tim Bertling, Chairman
Wally Cossairt, Commissioner
Ben Robertson, Commissioner
Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners
Recorded Instrument #298553
Clerk’s Note: Fee schedule can be seen at the Clerk’s office
Solid Waste Superintendent Richard Jenkins entered the meeting at 9:57 a.m. and resident Fay Almond left the meeting.
Richard Jenkins provided the Solid Waste report stating they received 869 tons with a daily average of 28 tons in October. Mr. Jenkins also updated the Commissioners on the rural site monitor positions with one employee retiring, another is moving out of the area and a third is out sick indefinitely. He asked permission to hire two temporary positions to help with coverage and the Commissioners agreed. Commissioner Robertson asked if he will have to close a site due to staff shortages. Mr. Jenkins agreed that might happen and he will post a sign including what sites are open.
Mr. Jenkins reported that the Air Burner permit was submitted last week. Engineers visited the landfill and he has started the process for CAS with wood now being diverted to the pit as per the agreement. He has begun the process to replace the 980 Wheel Loader and will continue working on the main office to install flashing and sealant to prevent water from coming in before moving onto electrical. Lastly, Mr. Jenkins mentioned the amendment to the solid rate fees and asked the Commissioners if the business rate applied to churches and non-profits. The Commissioners agreed that it did.
The meeting with Mr. Jenkins ended at 10:27 a.m. and he left the meeting. Probation Officer, Alisa Walker entered the meeting.
Ms. Walker stated that an upcoming state statute will require Human Trafficking assessment and training will begin next month. They will also be doing Scram training which will give them access to other tools to monitor alcohol violations. This will allow them to be able to respond and address issues in a more timely manner. Ms. Walker stated that they are caught up on home visits with the exception of 2. Going forward, they will visit each home on a quarterly basis. The home visits have been very helpful so that they can assess and provide additional programs when needed. Ms. Walker also mentioned that Probation was invited to Friday Friends to talk about Halloween safety.
The meeting with Ms. Walker ended at 10:48 a.m. and she left the meeting. Economic Development Director, David Sims entered the meeting.
Mr. Sims gave his EDC report stating that it was announced this morning that Ziply has been purchased by Bell Canada. The state has not moved forward on the BEAD program at this time. The Moyie sewer project is going well and should finish on time. Mr. Sims added that the Small Business Development Center is looking for a business coach for Boundary County and Bill Jung has asked Mr. Sims to step into that roll. Coaching is focused on growing businesses and is a good fit with EDC. Commissioner Robertson asked what qualifies as a small business. Mr. Sims responded that it is pretty broad and there would be very few businesses in Boundary County that would not fit. The roll was previously filled by Dennis Weed.
Mr. Sims stated that he has attended a P&Z meeting to discuss parking downtown. If you have a hotel, no parking is required. However, if you have a residential unit, you are required to have a parking space within 300 feet of the residence. The issue will be on the agenda for November to hopefully resolve this conflict within the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Sims has done frequent parking surveys to share the numbers with P&Z.
Lastly, Mr. Sims attended the Inland Northwest Partners meeting last week where the topic was the Economic Forecast. The message was that the economy is back to 2018 pre-covid numbers. Kootenai and Boundary County were the only counties that had an increase in employment for September. However, Boundary is still 5th highest for unemployment in the state. Commissioner Robertson asked how the numbers were generated in the report. Mr. Sims explained that the Idaho Department of Commerce produces the report and he will ask the economist for Region 1 to come up and give a presentation.
The meeting with David Sims ended at 11:32 a.m. and he left the meeting. Restorium Supervisor Janay Smith entered the meeting.
Ms. Smith gave the Restorium report stating they had three admissions and 2 discharges in October and they currently have 29 residents. They are also receiving frequent inquiries and the nurses have been doing assessments which are required by law. Ms. Smith is watching the overtime numbers. They were able to hire a few people in October which should help keep the overtime numbers down. They are still looking to fill several positions.
Chairman Bertling asked about an activities director. Ms. Smith stated that an employee is handling that roll and doing well. The residents enjoyed Halloween.
Commissioner Robertson asked about the difference between billed and received and if some accounts are behind. Ms. Smith answered yes and she is working through the issues with those.
Chairman Bertling asked how many residents are in memory care. Ms. Smith answered 13 at this time. The maximum would be 16 because of limited space.
The meeting with Ms. Smith ended at 11:48 a.m. and she left the meeting.
Commissioners recessed for lunch at 11:52 a.m.
Commissioners reconvened at 1:28 p.m. with Adam Ryals and Brad Barton entering the meeting.
Mr. Barton discussed road projects around the county including winterizing equipment, sign work and brushing. A notice has been sent for the crusher and they have moved it away from the highwall. Commissioner Robertson passed on praise from a resident to the crew. Commissioner Robertson also asked if they put fabric down in soft spots. The answer was yes.
Mr. Ryals asked about per diem for personal cell phone use for Shelby. She uses her personal phone when systems are down, posting to the Road and Bridge social media and contacting the crew outside of normal business hours. Commissioner Robertson stated that we have something already built for that. Commissioner Cossairt stated they would need to add that into next year. It comes out of the Clerk’s office in September.
Mr. Ryals stated that Federal Highways doesn’t think they can fund the entire Riverside 1A project. They are estimating it is 2.5 million over budget. There was discussion on ideas to reduce the cost of the project to get it completed. The Commissioners look forward to seeing numbers in the future.
Mr. Ryals stated they are ready for a public hearing on the Road Standards. Chairman Bertling stated that they will combine it with another hearing and are currently looking at December.
Resident Jerry Higgs entered the meeting at 1:37 p.m.
Commissioner Cossairt asked if a sign could be placed on Mirror Lake Rd to slow down traffic. Mr. Ryals stated that there is an old Ordinance that states every road is 35 mph unless otherwise posted. Mr. Barton suggested that they put up a traffic counter, then post the speed and see if it changes.
The meeting with Mr. Barton and Mr. Ryals ended and they left the meeting at 1:52 p.m.
Mr. Higgs informed the Commissioners about Bell Canada purchasing Ziply. Mr. Higgs left the meeting 1:56 p.m.
Andrew O’Neel entered the meeting at 1:58 p.m. and handed out the proposal from first responders for their SHSP grant application. Commissioners reviewed the list and discussed various items with Mr. O’Neel.
Commissioner Robertson moved to proceed with the 2024 SHSP Grant Project not to exceed available funding. Commissioner Cossairt second. Motion passed unanimously.
2:28 p.m. Pam Barton, Andrakay Pluid and Alisa Walker joined the meeting.
Commissioner Robertson moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)b, to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public-school student. Commissioner Cossairt second. Commissioners voted as follows: Chairman Bertling “aye”, Commissioner Cossairt “aye” and Commissioner Robertson “aye”. Motion passed unanimously. The executive session ended at 3:30 p.m. No action was taken. Ms. Barton, Ms. Walker and Ms. Pluid left the meeting.
Resident Gary Atkins entered the meeting at 3:30 p.m. and again discussed the height of the guardrails at Kootenai Trail Rd on Highway 95. Commissioners stated that they would contact ITD.
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 3:45 p.m.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024 There were no items on the agenda therefore the Commissioners did not meet.
By: Stephanie Sims, Deputy Clerk