Minimizing impacts to residents and the traveling public has been a top priority of all partners on the Riverside Road Improvement Project.
In order to complete the project in one season (April – October), Western Federal Lands and Boundary County believe it is in the best interest of the public to delay construction until spring of 2021. Completion of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) has taken longer than originally anticipated, and would result in construction during two seasons if it were to start later in 2020. Delaying construction will also allow additional time to secure needed permits, relocate utilities, and for improvements to Lions Den Road, the proposed detour route.
Idaho Transportation Department has confirmed that the next phase to the US 95 Project will be 2023, so there should not be any construction conflict with delaying Riverside Project to 2021.
Thank you for your understanding in this update to the project.
Boundary County Road & Bridge