Board of Commissioners

Wally Cossairt - Commissioner, Dist. 1
Tim Bertling - Commissioner, Dist. 2
Ben Robertson - Commissioner, Dist. 3
Stephanie Sims - Commission Clerk

The Boundary County Board of Commissioners take seriously the obligations and duties assigned them by Idaho Code to conduct the business of the county. Among the many duties which they are tasked with include supervising all county departments, appointed boards and commissions, formulating the county budget, to provide for the maintenance of roads and bridges, management all county owned lands and property ... in short, to conduct the myriad tasks involved with managing county business pursuant to state law and in the best interests of the citizens of Boundary County.

In addition to their regular business meetings, county commissioners also attend numerous other meetings at the local, regional and state level to ensure that the citizens of the county are represented in matters of importance.

The Boundary County Board of Commissioners meet in regular session from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each Monday and Tuesday, and, unless specifically authorized by Idaho Code, all meetings are open to the public. Every citizen of the county has the inherent right to meet with the board of county commissioners, whether to express a concern or grievance or to make known your position on matters of importance to you or to the community.

To schedule time on the commission agenda, call commission clerk Stephanie Sims at (208) 267-7723. Please be aware, however, that commission agendas are typically filled weeks in advance, and agendas can be disrupted by emergencies or unforeseen circumstances.

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