Commissioners' Meeting Minutes - Week of July 8, 2024

***Monday, July 8, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Tim Bertling, Commissioner Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Ben Robertson, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.

9:30 a.m., County Civil Attorney Bill Wilson joined the meeting to update Commissioners on various matters, to include topics associated with the Restorium, Solid Waste Department, and connecting a walking trail to the 9B Trails walking trails near Riverside Park.

Attorney Wilson left the meeting at 9:58 a.m.

Commissioners reviewed claims for payment. Fund totals are as follows:

Current Expense $ 86,616.98
Road & Bridge 177,253.99
Airport 20,546.26
District Court 1,578.36
Fair, County 58,864.50
Justice Fund 129,121.67
911 Funds 2,928.85
Historical Society & Museum 36,000.00
Hospital, Operation 185,000.00
Parks and Recreation 8,268.55
Revaluation 3,657.85
Solid Waste 27,812.01
Tort 571.43
Veterans Memorial 28.59
Weeds 4,702.80
Restorium 19,334.64
Waterways 297.09
Road & Bridge Tribal Fuel Fund 65.39
Grant, Airport 60,869.69
Grant, Selkirk Coop Weed Mgmt 400.13
Juvenile Probation – Lottery 126.00
Grant, Boat Safety 254.35
Grants, Fire Mitigation 78,920.66

TOTAL $903,219.79
Auditor’s Trust – *Misc 42,780.24
Beverage License 100.00
Driver’s License Trust 9,967.00
Interlock Device Fund 240.00
Sheriff’s Trust Fund 25.65
Sheriff’s Special Projects 5,175.19
Odyssey Court Trust Account 22,786.00
Odyssey Bond Trust Account 900.00

TOTAL $81,974.08

GRAND TOTAL $985,193.87

Citizens are invited to inspect detailed records on file in the Courthouse (individual claims & Commissioners’ allowance & warrant register record 2023-2024).

10:00 a.m., Assessor Olivia Drake joined the meeting to discuss Board of Equalization matters. Present were: Chairman Tim Bertling, Commissioner Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Ben Robertson, Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser, and Assessor Olivia Drake. The meeting was recorded.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to revise 2024 land values for the following parcels: revise assessed value of parcel RP65N01W117811A to $285,100.00, revise assessed value of parcel #RP65N01W140610A to $193,120.00, revise assessed value of parcel RP61N01W240600A to $194,800.00, revise assessed value of parcel RP61N01W241050 to $203,300.00, revise assessed value of parcel RP61N01W240157A to $269,140.00, and revise assessed value of parcel RP65N02E295570A to $8,470.00. Commissioner Robertson second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to accept the Agriculture Exemption applications for the following parcels: RP63N01E223751A, RP63N01E223900A, RP63N01E223601A, and RP63N01E224050A. Commissioner Robertson second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to add the Homeowner’s Exemption for the following parcels: RP00800001018AA, RPB0980003009AA and RPB00000342590A. Commissioner Robertson second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Robertson moved to add the Homeowner’s Exemption and other exemptions to specific parcels throughout today. Commissioner Cossairt second. Motion passed unanimously.

Assessor Drake left the meeting at 10:19 a.m.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign the Property Tax Cancellation Form for tax year 2023 and to cancel $1.95 in late fees for parcel #RP65N01E251366A and $6.67 in late fees for parcel #RP65N01E251367A for an overall total of $8.62, because the tax payments were postmarked on time. Commissioner Robertson second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign the Juvenile Detention Agreement with Bonner County. Commissioner Robertson second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign the revised Master Software Agreement and Support License with Computer Arts, Inc./Harris Inc. when the agreement is received. Commissioner Robertson second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to complete the survey for the Idaho Department of Commerce. Commissioner Robertson second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Bertling moved to sign a letter for Boundary Community Hospital pertaining to the Hospital’s incorporation. Commissioner Cossairt second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

11:00 a.m., Chief Probation Officer Alisa Walker joined the meeting to discuss her request to use a county vehicle when conducting home visits. Ms. Walker clarified that the vehicle will only be used by Probation Office employees and no transports will be done. Two field visits are planned so far with one visit being a presence at Kootenai River Days. Commissioners asked about using one of the Sheriff’s Office vehicles to conduct home visits. Ms. Walker updated Commissioners on the process of home visits.

The meeting with Ms. Walker ended at 11:25 a.m.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

Commissioners recessed for lunch.

1:30 p.m., Commissioners reconvened for the afternoon session with Chairman Tim Bertling, Commissioner Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Ben Robertson, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

1:30 p.m., Road and Bridge Department Superintendent Brad Barton and Assistant Adam Ryals joined the meeting to give the department report. Those present reviewed work listed in the written report.

Chairman Bertling discussed the United States Forest Service Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) program with Mr. Barton and Mr. Ryals. There are agreements involving the Forest Service and counties and the Forest Service is looking to see if they can get more funding for work the counties do on Forest Service roads. Chairman Bertling gave an example of there being a timber sale, but the Forest Service road needs improvements. Road and Bridge would contract with the Forest Service to work on the road and get reimbursed for this work. Chairman Bertling explained that this process is just in the beginning stages. Commissioner Robertson said if Road and Bridge did work on a Forest Service road, it would be a profit to Road and Bridge. Commissioner Cossairt said it would be similar to being an independent contractor.

Mr. Ryals said Road and Bridge is just waiting for County Civil Attorney Bill Wilson’s opinion on the county fuel supply bid documents, so the motion to seek bids needs to be on next week’s agenda.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign the State/Local Agreement for KN #24275, the 2024 Local Highway Safety Improvement Program for Signs, Curves, Delineations, and Safety Improvements. Commissioner Robertson second. Motion passed unanimously.

The meeting with Mr. Barton and Mr. Ryals ended at 2:00 p.m.

2:00 p.m., Commissioners held the continuation of the public hearing to consider Road and Bridge Variance Application 2-2024 for parcel #RP62N01E107210A owned by Marty Camburn. This is a request for a variance to Boundary County Road Standards Ordinance 2020-2 as it pertains to an approach location on Homestead Loop. The hearing was recorded.

Present were: Chairman Tim Bertling, Commissioner Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Ben Robertson, Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser, Road and Bridge Department Assistant Adam Ryals, Applicant Marty Camburn, and Jim Dyck.

Chairman Bertling reviewed the public hearing procedures to those present. There were no questions of the process. Commissioners cited no conflict of interest.

Mr. Ryals provided a staff report and explained this is just a continuance from last week’s hearing. This is a request for a variance that doesn’t meet the road standards in Ordinance 2020-2. Homestead Loop is a major collector and Boundary County Road Standards Section 3.3.B., sets 330 feet for distance from an existing access, or intersection or two public road rights-of-way on collector or arterial roads, and 200 feet for distance from an existing access or intersection of two public road rights-of-way on local roads. The proposed approach location does meet sight triangle and sight distance, but not the distance between driveways.

Mr. Ryals said no major staff comments were received. At the last hearing, it was questioned if Mr. Camburn could share an approach, because his neighbor, Jim Dyck is also going to submit an application for an approach, so this would not meet standards. There is also another neighbor to the south who is going to request an approach, so it just causes a congestion issue for road safety. Mr. Camburn said he understood. Mr. Camburn was asked if he would be willing to share an approach, so there would be one entrance, which would then branch off. Mr. Camburn asked if the process for requesting a variance for an approach is first come, first serve? Chairman Bertling said yes, but then they would have too many approaches.

Commissioner Robertson reviewed the request for the approach and he mentioned Mr. Camburn also wants an accessory dwelling unit (ADU). Mr. Camburn said the location of an ADU is to be determined for that side of the property. Commissioners asked about using the existing driveway instead of putting in another driveway. Mr. Camburn spoke of where he would like to put in a driveway for a house and the driveway is the first of the planning stages.

Mr. Ryals said Road and Bridge has recommended using the existing approach. Commissioner Robertson said he would have the neighbors using the exact same approach, if Mr. Camburn already has an approach. Mr. Camburn said he felt that cutting across the tree farm makes it more dangerous, in his opinion and he added that the location would take up a lot of his property and his existing tree farm. Chairman Bertling said if Mr. Camburn was granted his approach, then Mr. Dyck comes in and also requests a variance for a road approach, it would be safer to have one combined approach as opposed to two that are located side by side. Mr. Camburn commented that he would be open to that idea and he added that being neighborly is a reason why he lives here. It was said this resolution will benefit both Mr. Camburn and Mr. Dyck.

Mr. Dyck said for him, it would just be a farm access for now, but he would like to access the back side of the property in the future.

Commissioner Cossairt mentioned taking some footage off of each parcel and Mr. Ryals questioned if that is a Planning and Zoning matter since it might be creating an easement. Mr. Camburn asked if that would require a survey and more cost. Chairman Bertling said Commissioners could grant this variance application and then grant Mr. Dyck’s application for a variance when he requests one. Mr. Camburn asked if he would have to wait until Mr. Dyck’s application is approved before he was able to start his approach and Commissioners said no. Mr. Camburn said then he is totally fine with it.

Commissioner Robertson moved to approve the variance request of applicant/landowner Marty Camburn, Parcel Number RP62N01E107210A, for a road approach that does not meet Boundary County Road Standards Ordinance 2020-2, Section 3.3.B., with the following conditions: a, a 20-foot right-of-way at the north edge of the property, and Conditions c through g. Commissioner Cossairt second. Motion passed unanimously.

The hearing to consider Variance Application 2-2024 for Marty Camburn ended at 2:20 p.m.

Mr. Ryals left the meeting at 2:35 p.m.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

Chairman Bertling left the meeting at 3:26 p.m.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to adjourn as the Board of Equalization. Commissioner Robertson second. Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further business, the meeting recessed until tomorrow at 1:30 p.m.

***Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 1:30 p.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Tim Bertling, Commissioner Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Ben Robertson, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

1:30 p.m., Commissioners and Clerk Poston met to conduct a workshop for the proposed fiscal year 2024-2025 county budget. Also present were Les Pinkerton and Sheriff Dave Kramer.

2:32 p.m., Undersheriff Rich Stephens joined the workshop.

2:50 p.m., Sheriff Kramer and Undersheriff Stephens left the meeting.

The workshop ended at 4:00 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.


By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy Clerk

Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 14:00
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