Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission
Workshop Minutes March 15, 2018
- Establish quorum; Open meeting
- Reading and approval of February 15, 2018 minutes.
- Presentation - Forest Conservancy - Kennon McClintock
- Considerations for Rezoning Boundary County Comprehensive Plan Map
- Adjourn
Amy Maggi, Kennon McClintock
Planning & Zoning
Caleb Davis (Chairman), Wade Purdom (Co-Chair), Scott Fuller, MarciaVee Cossette, John Cranor, Tim Heenan, Adam Isaac
Counselor Tevis Hull, Ron Self, Rob Woywod
John Moss
At 5:30 pm Chairman Caleb Davis opened the meeting, announcing that this was in fact a Workshop, and presented the evening agenda. After identifying the presence of a quorum Davis asked the Commission if there were any changes or corrections to be made to the Minutes of the February 15 2018 meeting. There being none, Davis asked for a motion to approve the February 15 Minutes. Adam Isaac so moved, seconded by Tim Heenan, and there being no further discussion Davis called for a vote. The votes were as follows:
John Cranor - Aye, Tim Heenan - Aye, Scott Fuller - Abstain, Marciavee Cossette - Aye, Wade Purdom - Aye, Adam Isaac - Aye, Rob Woywod - Absent, Ron Self- Absent, Caleb Davis - (tie-breaker);
Tally: Nay (0), Recused (1), Aye (5), Absent (2)
The motion to approve the February 15 2018 minutes was unanimous.
[Planning & Zoning minutes are transcribed from the conversation that takes place during the meeting. Topics are condensed, eliminating verbatim comment in order to condense the material. Key points are included in this extraction and all votes taken are recorded.]