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P&Z Minutes February 20th 2020

Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission

Minutes February 20, 2020

  1. Establish quorum; Open meeting
  2. Reading and approval of January 16th, 2020 minutes. (Action Item)
  3. Regular Meeting - Public invited to attend
    1. Hearing 20-031 - Conditional Use Permit Application by Chris Binnall (Action Item)
    2. Public Comment (Open)
    3. Adjourn



Dick Staples, Kevin Thompson, Joey Thompson

Planning & Zoning

Caleb Davis (Chair), Rob Woywod, John Cranor, Adam Isaac, Wade Purdom (C0-Chair)


Ron Self, Tim Heenan, Scott Fuller, David Hollabaugh, Counselor Tevis Hull


John Moss

[Planning & Zoning minutes are transcribed from the conversation that takes place during the meeting. Topics are condensed, eliminating verbatim comment in order to condense the material. Key points are included in this extraction and all votes taken are recorded.]

Planning & Zoning Agenda - July 16th, 2020

There will be NO Public Hearing on July 16, 2020


July 16th, 2020; - 6:00PM
Please note:
Every attempt is made to limit hearing time. Lengthy hearings may be tabled for a later date in order to accommodate the agenda.

Note: Because of considerations related to the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), all present are encouraged to maintain safe-distance practices and to wear a mask. Note: that all hearings may be postponed/rescheduled. Please refer to the Planning and Zoning hearing page ( for the latest schedule information, posted as soon as possible.   In the meantime - until COVID-19 issues abate - our apologies for any inconvenience.

P&Z Minutes January 16th 2020

Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission


January 16, 2020

  1. Establish quorum; Open meeting
  2. Reading and approval of December 19th, 2019 minutes. (Action Item)
  3. Regular Meeting - Public invited to attend
    1. Hearing 20-011 - Application to Amend zone map by Kevin Thompson (Action Item)
    2. Public Comment (Open)
    3. Adjourn



Dick Staples, Kevin Thompson, Joey Thompson

Planning & Zoning

Caleb Davis (Chair), Rob Woywod, John Cranor, Adam Isaac, Wade Purdom (C0-Chair)


Ron Self, Tim Heenan, Scott Fuller, David Hollabaugh, Counselor Tevis Hull


John Moss

[Planning & Zoning minutes are transcribed from the conversation that takes place during the meeting. Topics are condensed, eliminating verbatim comment in order to condense the material. Key points are included in this extraction and all votes taken are recorded.]

Planning & Zoning Agenda - February 20th, 2020

MEETING AGENDA: DRAFT February 20th, 2020; - 6:00PM

Please note:
  every attempt is made to limit hearing time. Lengthy hearings may be tabled for a later date in order to accommodate the agenda.

  1. Establish quorum; Open meeting
  2. Reading and approval of January 16th, 2020 minutes. (Action Item)
  3. Regular Meeting - Public invited to attend - Times: approximate
    1. Time: 6:00PM Hearing 20-031 Application for Conditional Use by Lydia & Shane Bidwell (Action Item)
    2. Time: 7:15PM Administrative - Review outcome of County Commissioners hearing (01/27/2020 @ 10:00) regarding Application 19-177 - Amend Land Use Ordinance 9B18LOV2 to create 9B18LOV3 (and discuss steps needed to make any corrections).
  4. Public Comment (Open)
  5. Adjourn

P&Z Minutes December 19th 2019

Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission

Minutes DRAFT December 19, 2019

  1. Establish quorum; Open meeting
  2. Reading and approval of November 21st minutes. (Action Item)
  3. Regular Meeting - Public invited to attend
    1. Hearing 20-015 - Application to Amend zone map by Ron Sukenik (Action Item)
    2. Hearing 20-011 - Application to Amend zone map by Kevin Thompson (Action Item)
    3. Administrative – review candidates for Planning and Zoning Commission opening
  4. Public Comment (Open)
  5. Adjourn



Ron Sukenik, Warren Campbell, Tim Patton, Mike Ahner, Tracy Ahner, Dick Staples, Kevin Thompson, Joey Thompson

Planning & Zoning

Ron Self, Rob Woywod, Scott Fuller, John Cranor, Wade Purdom (C0-Chair)


Caleb Davis (Chair), Adam Isaac, Tim Heenan, David Hollabaugh, Counselor Tevis Hull


John Moss

[Planning & Zoning minutes are transcribed from the conversation that takes place during the meeting. Topics are condensed, eliminating verbatim comment in order to condense the material. Key points are included in this extraction and all votes taken are recorded.]

Planning & Zoning Agenda - January 16th, 2019

MEETING AGENDA: DRAFT January 16th, 2020; - 6:00PM

Please note:
  every attempt is made to limit hearing time. Lengthy hearings may be tabled for a later date in order to accommodate the agenda.

  1. Establish quorum; Open meeting
  2. Reading and approval of December 19th, 2019 minutes. (Action Item)
  3. Regular Meeting - Public invited to attend - Times: approximate
    1. Time: 6:00PM Hearing 20-011 - Take from Table the Application for Zone Amendment by Kevin Thompson (Action Item)
    2. Public Comment (Open)
    3. Adjourn

P&Z Minutes November 21st 2019

Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission

Minutes November 21, 2019

  1. Establish quorum; Open meeting
  2. Reading and approval of October 17th minutes. (Woywod noted correction: Heenan was not absent.) (Action Item)
  3. Regular Meeting - Public invited to attend
    1. Hearing 19-177 - Application to Amend Ordinance 9B18LOV2 (Action Item)
    2. Hearing 20-011 - Application to Amend zone map by Kevin Thompson (Action Item)
    3. Administrative – review candidates for Planning and Zoning Commission opening
  4. Public Comment (Open)
  5. Adjourn



David Nicholas, Beth Nicholas, James Embree, John Poland, Carol Clausen, Tony & Pamela Jacobs, Lisa Aguilera, Dick Staples, Kevin Thompson, Joey Thompsone

Planning & Zoning

Adam Isaac, Tim Heenan, Ron Self, Rob Woywod, Caleb Davis (Chair), Scott Fuller, John Cranor, Wade Purdom (C0-Chair)


David Hollabaugh, Counselor Tevis Hull


John Moss

[Planning & Zoning minutes are transcribed from the conversation that takes place during the meeting. Topics are condensed, eliminating verbatim comment in order to condense the material. Key points are included in this extraction and all votes taken are recorded.]

Planning & Zoning Agenda - December 19th, 2019

MEETING AGENDA: DRAFT December 19th, 2019; - 6:00PM

Please note:
  every attempt is made to limit hearing time. Lengthy hearings may be tabled for a later date in order to accommodate the agenda.

  1. Establish quorum; Open meeting
  2. Reading and approval of November 21st minutes. (Action Item)
  3. Regular Meeting - Public invited to attend - Times: approximate
    1. Time: 6:00PM Hearing 20-015 - Application for Zone Amendment by Ron Sukenik (Action Item)
    2. Time: 7:15PM Hearing 20-011 - Application for Zone Amendment by Kevin Thompson (Action Item)
    3. Time: 8:15PM Administrative - Interview Planning and Zoning Commission applicants as received (Action Item)
  4. Public Comment (Open)
  5. Adjourn

P&Z Minutes October 17th 2019

Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission

Minutes October 17, 2019

  1. Establish quorum; Open meeting
  2. Reading and approval of September 19th minutes. (Action Item)
  3. Regular Meeting - Public invited to attend
    1. Hearing 19-176 - Application to create an Urban Subdivision by Jim Ball (Action Item)
    2. Hearing 19-177 - Application to amend Ordinance 9B18LOV2 by Planning and Zoning Commission (Action Item)
  4. Public Comment (Open)
  5. Adjourn



George E. Schrems, Orrin & JoLen Everhart, Ray Rossbacher, Kelly Wilson, Chris Qualls, John Poland, Randy Morris, Stacy Brown, David & Beth Nicholas, Mike & Karen Glazier, Paul & Viki Perryman, Harry & Mary Guinn, Don & Janna Stanford, Carla Dedera, Jeanne E. Osborn, Robert & Fath Kalberg, Denise Hettrick-Egge, Susan & Byron Burrow, Eric & Eileen Madson, Jon & Sharon, Ron McIlnay, Georgia Earley, Carol & Jake Negley, Samuel Lovely, Miles Stephens, Ed Katz, Natalie Long, Jeremy Davy, Kate Rossbacher, Kevin Bererra, Jerry Haas, Georgette Baillesd’Err, Chester Savage, Richard Pick, Steve & Angi Wilkinson, Ron & Linda Klein, Paula & Rhome Desbiens, Sue & Bob Lombard, Jane Kelley, Glory & Matt Rossbacher, Ann Fleshe

Planning & Zoning

David Hollabaugh, Tim Heenan, Adam Isaac, Ron Self, Rob Woywod, Caleb Davis (Chair), John Cranor


Wade Purdom (Co-Chair), Scott Fuller, Counselor Tevis Hull


John Moss

[Planning & Zoning minutes are transcribed from the conversation that takes place during the meeting. Topics are condensed, eliminating verbatim comment in order to condense the material. Key points are included in this extraction and all votes taken are recorded.]

Planning & Zoning Agenda - November 21st, 2019

MEETING AGENDA: November 21st, 2019; - 6:00PM

Please note: every attempt is made to limit hearing time. Lengthy hearings may be tabled for a later date in order to accommodate the agenda.

  1. Establish quorum; Open meeting
  2. Reading and approval of October 17th minutes. (Action Item)
  3. Regular Meeting - Public invited to attend - Times: approximate
    1. Time: 6:00PM Hearing 19-177 - Application to Amend Ordinance 9B18LOV2 by the Planning and Zoning Commission (Action Item)
            Review proposed changes here - proposed changes highlighted
    2. Time: 7:15PM Hearing 20-011 - Application for Zone Amendment by Kevin Thompson (Action Item)
    3. Time: 8:15PM Administrative - Interview Planning and Zoning Commission applicants as received (Action Item)
  4. Public Comment (Open)
  5. Adjourn


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