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Olivia Drake, Boundary County Assessor
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Assessor's Parcel Mapping
The Boundary County Assessor is elected by the voting citizens of Boundary County. The Assessor's Office is responsible for maintaining maps and valuation records on all taxable real and personal property within Boundary County. While land and improvements are only required to be physically inspected a minimum of once every five years, Idaho law requires that all valuations be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that they are consistent with the local market. This means that the basis for your property tax is the market value of your taxable property, less any applicable exemptions that have been applied for and approved.
The zone district in which a parcel is located is not necessarily factored into the assessed value, which is based on the actual use of the parcel.
Valuation notices are mailed to property owners on the first Monday of June, and should be reviewed carefully. Check your value to see if it seems about right when considering the current market. Also check to make sure all exemptions you have applied for are shown.
*Idaho Property Tax Information
You must contact the Assessor's Office before then for any changes to be considered for the current tax year. We are very limited as to when we can make changes on the current valuation notice, so don't wait until we can't help you.
Valuation notices for newly occupied residences and manufactured homes, along with other newly built structures, are mailed on the second Monday of November. The deadline for changes and appeals for these notices is the fourth Monday of November. Again, please contact us as soon as possible with any questions or concerns.
In all cases, property owners should contact us any time they have questions about their property valuation and exemption status. Depending on the timing, we may not be able to help you other than next year, but we will always take the time to do what we can.
REVIEW OUR EXEMPTIONS PAGES to see a list of programs available to help provide property tax relief to qualified applicants.
The Assessor's Office is also responsible for administering the Idaho State Motor Vehicle Licensing program at the local level; for questions regarding vehicle registration, titling or special license plates, check here: *DMV/Auto License