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Boundary County GIS Road Name & Addressing
New Road Name List with Map Viewer! Boundary County Road Name List
(See below for downloadable pdf maps and GIS data)
For parcel mapping information, see Assessor's Parcel Mapping
These maps do not depict Spring Load Limit Closures - please reference Spring Road Closures for that information.
Instructions and notes:
This content is for information purposes only. You may find that weather, construction, closures, or other events differ from the results depicted in this map. Always exercise judgement in the use of this content.
The map may not be updated immediately as situations change.The Status field represents the road jurisdiction, or the agency responsible for approach permitting and/or maintenance.
BOUCO = Boundary County Road & Bridge (County roads)
Incorporated = City of Bonners Ferry or City of Moyie Springs
ITD = Idaho Transportation Department (Highways)
USFS = Forest Service roads
Tribe = Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
Private = Private (no public jurisdiction)
Reserved = road name reserved but not yet address rangedThere may be a delay based on your internet speed due to the data being transferred.
The County is unable to provide technical support for this map since the user experience will be different across all platforms (desktop vs smartphone etc.)
Downloadable maps with addressable street centerlines and highway milemarkers:
Boundary County Map (with shaded relief)
Boundary County Map (no background) (For faster download)
Boundary County Map (no background) (Geo-Referenced pdf)
Downloadable GIS data (uploaded monthly):
Road Centerlines (addressed roads only) (shp files)
Physical Addresses (shp files)
Access Points for Physical Addresses (shp files)
Access Points to Address connector (shp files)
Road Centerlines (addressed roads only) (Google Earth file)
Physical Addresses (Google Earth file)
Street Names & Addressing
For information on obtaining a new physical address or road naming information, see Requesting a new address