Meeting Agendas
Requesting a New Address
Physical Addresses
To receive a new physical address for your property and/or structure, please complete the steps below, as applicable to your situation. When requesting an address, you agree to allow access to private property by employees of Boundary County for gathering GPS coordinates which allow for accurate mapping of the access point and related structure. Address numbers are assigned based on the Access Point, or where a driveway intersects a Named Road.
Step 1)
- IF the access is within the City Limits of Bonners Ferry: Please contact the City and they will assign your new address.
- IF the access is within the City Limits of Moyie Springs: First, obtain a Site Permit from the City of Moyie Springs. Then contact Boundary County Road & Bridge to check for an existing address and arrange for a site visit if necessary.
- IF the access is within Boundary County and not within the City Limits of Bonners Ferry or Moyie Springs, continue to Step 2.
Step 2)
Please contact Boundary County Planning and Zoning to initiate a Residential or Commercial Placement Permit. They will guide you through the process, and an address will be mailed to you along with the placement permit.
If you require an address for bare land and there are no P&Z permits that apply, you can complete a Request for a New Physical Address and return it to Boundary County Road & Bridge.
Other important details:
- IF your access (driveway) enters directly onto a County Road, an Access/Approach Permit will need to be issued by Boundary County Road & Bridge.
- IF your access (driveway) enters directly onto a State Highway, an Approach Permit will need to be issued by the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD).
- IF a site visit is required (to obtain GPS points or inspect a new approach location), we will ask that you flag your access point by placing a stake (marked centerline or driveway) in the center of the access near it’s junction with the closest named road. One Primary Access Point must be designated for structures served by multiple driveways.
Private Road names and signage
If a road/driveway accesses three or more properties and has not previously been assigned a Road Name, a Request for a New Private Road Name must be completed per the Boundary County Uniform Address and Street Naming Ordinance. New road names cannot duplicate existing names.Those of you on private roads which have approved names may now contact Boundary County Road & Bridge to order the sign. The signs will be a blue background with white lettering. The total cost to you will include the sign, the bracket and the post. Once the sign is ordered and received, the Road and Bridge Department will install the sign at no charge to the public as their schedule allows. Printable Sign Application.
Contact information:
Boundary County Road & Bridge: (208) 267-3838 addressing@boundarycountyid.orgBoundary County Planning and Zoning: (208) 267-7212
City of Bonners Ferry: (208) 267-3105
City of Moyie Springs: (208) 267-5161
Idaho Transportation Department (ITD): (208) 772-1297Boundary County GIS: (208) 267-3301
Street Names & Addressing Information
Address & Street Naming Ordinance
The Boundary County Uniform Address and Street Naming Ordinance was adopted June 21, 2004 and revised June 18, 2007. The Ordinance contains essential definitions, establishes rules for the naming of roads and the address numbering system, and contains road and address signage information.
List of all addressable street names currently in use in Boundary County
Boundary County road name and addressing history:
Prior to 2004, all roads adopted into the County maintenance system were identified by numbers (1-95). As new roads were added into the system, hyphenated or alphanumeric combinations became common (2.1, 3a, etc.). Addresses were assigned by the Postal Service using Rural Route, then Highway Contract Route box numbers. The two different systems often made it difficult to identify a physical location based on a mailing address.To meet the needs of both the U.S. Postal Service and advancing 9-1-1 technology, Gary Falcon spearheaded the effort of developing the ordinance that paved the way for a permanent addressing system in Boundary County. He worked to identify all roads in the County that serve three or more addressable structures, and added them to GIS maps which would then made available to emergency services personnel. With the adoption of the Ordinance in 2004, a five-member Boundary County Street Naming Committee was formed, with the task of determining the process to be used and then putting names to all of Boundary County's addressable roads. On August 18, 2005, County Commissioners adopted Resolution 2005-29, renaming established County Roads.