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Jury Duty
If you received a Summons for Jury Duty recently (beginning about Friday, August 16, 2024, or about 9-19-2024 (for November 2024)for Jury Service in October 2024, follow this link to information and instructions about jury service.
Boundary County residents, randomly selected as prospective jurors, will receive updated, combination Jury Duty Summons and Questionnaires beginning mid-August 2024, for jury service in October 2024.
August 8th, 2024
Boundary County has updated its jury management software to a modern, secure, web-based program. Idaho chose Tyler Technologies EJM to be the standard jury management program for the state, and Boundary County adopted it.
A New Look for the Summons and Questionnaire
The new summons and questionnaire is on one sheet of paper, and is printed in color, on two sides. All counties use the same standardized format. Information specific to Boundary County is printed on the forms, including the county seal. The Jury Commissioner will post an example to the Boundary County Website (Jury Duty Page), soon, so citizens who receive the form will know it is official.(See downloads below.)
Ease of Use
Prospective jurors can complete and return the questionnaire three ways: log into State of Idaho eResponse website , IVR (interactive voice recognition) phone line (844) 509-1211, or by hand, and mail or otherwise deliver to the Jury Commissioner.
Improved Juror Notification
Tyler EJM sends automatic reminders of assigned jury duty dates, via email, or text(if opted in), to everyone assigned to a given trial date. The program emails and/or texts any changes of report time/date, or trial cancellation. Jurors may also check their status via the IVR phone line.
Savings to County
Boundary County no longer pays postage for multiple mailings of jury forms The State pays for Tyler EJM, not the county.
Implementation Date
The first jury forms will go out mid-August 2024. The standard return deadline of 10 days from receipt of the forms applies.
Shorter Terms of Service
Previously, jurors served for 4 months. The new term of service is now much shorter, but can vary. Jurors will be informed of their terms of service on the Jury Summons.
Jurors who requested conscientious objection status (religious only) will be contacted via written, mailed notice, when the hearing is scheduled.
Jurors who requested medical disqualification, but whose forms have not been processed, are on hold. Please get me your medical forms if you requested medical disqualification.
REMINDER: It is YOUR responsibility to keep up with the schedule, regardless of email or text notification, and to let me know any unavailable dates ASAP,within your term of service, in writing (email is good). Jurors who request excused dates after being assigned to a trial date, will be reassigned to another trial date, or deferred to another term of service.
If you receive another questionnaire at some point before your two-year "break" is done, just fill out the form (online is best), and mark it appropriately.
If you have some sort of permanent exemption already (Medical, Judges Order, Over 70), please go ahead and fill out the form and get it to me. I will enter the info in the new system.
Doing the form online is the most efficient way to get it done.
If you don't do that, please give me an email address (there is a place for it on the form).
Otherwise, you will be getting a letter from me with hour updated status.
Trials can be cancelled or report date/times modified up to the WORKING day before the scheduled trial date.
I will post any trial schedule updates by 6:00 pm business day received.
If you have any pre-planned life events, or emergency, that will interfere with your ability to do jury duty, be sure to let the Jury Commissioner know in writing ASAP
If you have any questions about Jury duty, call (208) 267-0924 to speak with or leave a message for Ben Reinhardt, the Bailiff and Jury Commissioner, OR email
Jury Commissioner
Jury Commissioner PO Box 419 Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
6452 Kootenai Street Bonners Ferry, ID
FAX: (208)267-7814
Jury Service: What It Means, and How It Works