Planning & Zoning

March 23, 2025

The Boundary County Planning & Zoning Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the fourth Thursday of each month at the Boundary County Annex Building (former Armory Building), 6566 Main Street, Bonners Ferry, ID. The commission's duties include reviewing the Boundary County Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan, making decisions on various land use applications, including conditional use permits, and variances, and making recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on platted subdivisions, zoning amendments and area of impact agreements with incorporated cities within Boundary County. Each member of the commission has resided within Boundary County for a minimum of two years, as required by Idaho Code.

Written comment should be addressed to Planning and Zoning, PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805; or e-mailed to and must be received by 12 noon Wednesday, 1 week and 1 day prior to the scheduled hearing date.

The Boundary County Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance applies to all lands in Boundary County that lie outside the incorporated city limits of Moyie Springs and Bonners Ferry. All applications are processed by the zoning administrator from the Planning and Zoning Office located in Room 18, Idaho Extension Office behind the Boundary County Courthouse.

Planning & Zoning Commission:
Caleb Davis, Chair
Wade Purdom, Co-Chair
John Cranor, Scott Fuller, Bill Benage, David Hollabaugh, Adam Isaac, Rob Woywod, Ron Self

Application Type Fee Amount
Certificate of Compliance $50.00, plus actual cost of professional services if the initial fee is exceed
Request to Examine or Copy Records. First 100 pages free of charge Per Idaho Code
Residential Placement Permit $400.00
Commercial/Industrial Placement Permit $500.00
Conditional Use Permit $500.00
Special Event Permit $200.00
Temporary Use Permit $500.00
Variance $400.00
Parcel Division, Simple $500.00
Parcel Division, Primitive $500.00
Parcel Line Adjustment $500.00
Lot Line Adjustment, Subdivision $500.00
Short Plat Subdivision $500.00, plus $25.00 per lot
Long Plat Subdivision $1,000.00, plus $50.00 per lot
Quasi-judicial Zone Map Amendment $500.00
Comprehensive Plan Amendment $500.00
Ordinance Amendment $500.00
Appeal $500.00
Floodplain Development Permit $100.00, plus actual cost of engineering and other professional services once initial fee is exceeded
Utility Permits $250.00
Vacation of Plats/Rights-of-Way $400.00, plus cost of professional services if the initial fee is exceeded
Permit Extension Request $100.00
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